Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I saw my Dr...

Well I saw my Dr yesterday and I talked to her about how I have been feeling and all that. So she looks back to my previous blood tests, one from December 08 which my blood sugars and gluclose and everything else was good, but no one told me that my thyriod levels were borderline low then. They did another test in March 09 but tested everything except thyroid. Everything was fine then too. So she is doing another full chem test, A1c and Hypothyroid tests. I see her in a month, but I dont want to wait untill then to find out whats going on.

As far as what I know about hypothyroid is that it makes you tired, depressed and lethargic, Memory loss and forgetfullness, abnormal menstraul periods and its slows your metabalism down to nearly impossible to lose weight. Well since December I have lost a good amount of weight and up until 2 weeks ago I have felt fine. As for getting enough sleep I sleep 8-9 hours a night and its good sleep. I get enough Iron in my diet at least 5-6 times a week anyways sometimes it is low. I try to have protiens with my carbs and I do use good fats. So I am really hoping that there isnt anything wrong with my Thyriod. Im a little scared but I know that no matter what things will be ok.
I'm still thinking that alot of it is because I havn't really been doing too much but siting at my computer alot. So for the next few days I am going to try and get more things done and keep busy to see if that helps. I have also been more lienint with my foods as of the last week that could have alot to do with it as well. I will let you all know when I get my results back, that is when my SO decides to take me to the lab to get my blood done.


  1. I am glad you went! Looking forward to hearing about the results. Hopefully it is something simple to correct.

  2. I was born without a thyroid so I know a little about what youre going through! I hope everything turns out well :)

  3. Way to go for going to your Dr and taking charge of your health, we as humans... don't do it enough. We have to. :)
    After having my Dr my thyroid levels were completely wack. Even had to get an ultrasound to rule out nodules/growth. Thankfully that turned out fine and normal. I never did further testing because i lost my insurance right after the ultrasound and couldn't get into a specialist. Thankfully... my last tests for it this year, are normal ranges. but it's certainly nothing to play with. So be sure you stay on top of it. :) And no matter what is wrong... it's all managable.

  4. That should read, after having my daughter. hahahaha!! I should read before posting. hahahaha!!

  5. I know the thyroid can make things very difficult to lose weight. Don't stop doing what your doing because of it though. If you are having trouble getting enough nutrition in, I have some suggestions, email me.

  6. I had my thyroid taken out when I was 19. It does mess with my body... Hopefully you can get to the bottom of everything soon!
