Friday, January 1, 2010


I am starting the new year out right, I am taking care of myself. I have decided that it is time for me to take care of my body inside and out. I am tired of not feeling feminine enough or sexy, I am going to take care of my teeth, hair and skin as best i can. I mean why not I deserve it and my body deserves it. I have thrown out all the junk food and have been eating great for the last 2 days, I had some popcorn and a beer last night and I didn't feel guilty about it and I am proud of myself because I could have done so much worse. I am sick again so other then a walk up to the store and a Jaunt around the Bath & Body works store I have not got much in the way of exercise. But I am trying to move more and do things around the house again. As soon as i am feeling better and the weather permits I am getting back into my groove. I weighed in today and the scale read 186.5 so really I am only up 3 1/2 pounds from my weight before the holidays this is good news because I was pushing 200 the day after Christmas so I was getting worried. I chalked that up to the sodium and chocolate overload. My new Goal weight is 175 and if I continue to eat right and get exercise I could be there by march 2010. I am still struggling with the same issues as I have in the past, but I am putting my foot down and doing for me and if people don't like it then they can shove off. I am still slightly depressed but I feel like it is lifting from me allot, as I was so bad that I couldn't get out of bed there for awhile and I am enjoying life again. Logging my foods and here blogging. Here is to 2010 and the hopes that it will be a better year for everyone!!


  1. Saying a prayer for you right now, that you get to the 175 in January! It's possible...


  2. Way to go! Hi! I just came across your blog today and wow I am deff. so happy I did! I too have a blog about weight loss and having lost 165lbs this past year on my own I can totally relate to your struggles. That is SO awesome about your success already, I too started out around 300lbs, 309 to be exact and I am still 14lbs away from my goal. I KNOW you can deff. hit your 2010 goals by March and I cannot wait to follow your blog and read along with your journey, you can do it! Have a great day!
    ~Kassandra @

  3. Thanks for stopping by Becca! :) sounds like you have a good plan ready for yourself! We all need to treat ourselves with a bit more care and love! :)

    Here is to a great 2010!!


  4. Just found your blog and gotta say what an amazing change! You look so much happier now! And you look amazing! Keep up the awesome job and I can't wait to follow on your journey!

  5. Hey Becca! I love the new picture! Look how thin your face is! Wowie!

  6. Love the new pictures-very cute!:-)
    You are off to a great start, keep up with the positive attitude and you will get there.
    And you are so right to be taking care of yourself both inside and out. They work together and both deserve our attention.
