Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesdays musings

Since I have not been logging much or blogging this month I weighed in this morning @ 177.5. That brings me back down and I feel great, so much more energy, thinking clearer for the most part. I have some issue that I am working out and verry glad that I am clear headed enough to deal with them like a normal person (or one that has mental issues) lol. The weather will be nice today & tomorrow so I am going to take advantage of it and get some fresh air and excersise. Looking forward to dinner tonight of chicken, sweet potato and fresh zuccini. Have a great Tuesday all

Sunday, October 17, 2010

My Second 5k :)

Today was the Making Strides against Breast Cancer 5k walk. We did it and feel great about it. Never in a million years would I have thought me, my honey, my mom and my aunt would be walking in a 5k let alone 2. This is our second one this year and I am actually looking forward to doing more and maybe even a 10k. I am not a runner due to my asthma but I still feel that walking and participating is not only helping others out it is also for my health. Eating has been great, tho last night I had 3 pieces of Halloween chocolate. But I didn't take that as a queue to keep eating crap instead I had some popcorn and fruit. It is cold and rainy here is Sacramento right now and not much to do but stay inside and keep warm and dry. Mom and honey are both sleeping, as they had not so great food for lunch. I was feeling nauseous so I came home and had a few Ryvita crackers and a half a banana and lots of water. My tootsies are cold all of a sudden lol well it is cold in my house as we have had such awesome weather this comes at as kinda a surprise. I feel good about getting back into my blogging, tho I miss all the encouragement and comments I have gotten in the past. I know I just need to keep on writing and hope for the best.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

still going in the right direction

I have been eating clean for 3 days now and im feeling awesome. Did 2.25 miles today and so headed in the right direction. Sunday will be my 2nd 5k and i am excited and very proud. well i am blogging from my phone and its getting late. Time for sleepies, good night blogging friends, hope everyone has an awesome Friday!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Headed in the right direction :)

It took me awhile but I am on the way to being on track for good. I have been eating clean and drinking lots of water and I feel fantastic. I do not know why i ever stopped, because I tell you feeling like this is far better than how I have been feeling in the last 2 months. My apologies for not blogging as much as I did in the past, I just feel like it is always the same Ole crap that I vent, rant and complain about. Most of it I am working on and part of it is a whole helluva lot harder.
I am just glad to be feeling better and doing better eating wise. My next step is to get moving more, I have made a small goal to walk everyday and workout at least 3 times a week. The walking has been easier than the working out, I should get off my duff and go work out I have a couple hours to kill before bed time. Have a great night everyone!!